Andean Chullo Hat
Andean knitting is known for its brightly-colored stranded designs. Geometric patterns as well as depictions of common things, like farm animals, are the main motifs seen in this region. Knitting and textile creation are as ubiquitous in Andean society as coffee is to Americans. This cap is inspired by the Andean Chullo (pronounced tchoo-yo), which is a traditional garment knit by Andean men, women, and children.
This is a choose-your-own-adventure style design; simply plug in the charted design of your choice when the pattern calls for it to make your own unique hat. You can make more than one hat from the yarn requirements by rearranging the colors! This hat is knit from the earflaps up, with applied I-Cord and tassels to finish. All patterns are worked in stranded Stockinette Stitch. All colorwork patterns are charted, and two complete colorways are given.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Sizes Included: Mountain Pass, Mountain Sky
Yarn Weight: Fingering
Yarn Line: Palette
Yardage: 2079
Fiber Type: Wool
Needle / Hook Sizes: US 3 (3.25 mm) circular needles, a yarn needle, an extra pair of US 2 (3 mm) needles which can be either circular, DPNs, or straight
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