Revised 08/12/10

Neck shaping
Continue to work armhole shaping as given for back.
AT THE SAME TIME, shape neck:
(RS): Work 33 (38, 42, 46) [36, 41, 45, 48] sts. Joining a second ball of yarn, BO 4 (3, 3, 4) [4, 3, 3, 5] sts; work 33 (38, 42, 46) [36, 41, 45, 48] sts.


Revised 08/24/07


Shape Neck:

Work even until armhole measures 8¼”? (9”?, 9¼”?, 9¾”) [9”, 9¾”?, 10¼”?, 10¾”?]

Shoulder shaping is mislabeled: The left shoulder begins on a RS row; the right shoulder shaping begins on a  WS row.


Work as given for back through first two rows of armhole shaping; end with a WS row.

revised 4/3/09

Neck Shaping:

Shape front right shoulder as given for back left and front left shoulder as given for back right.