100% Price Match Guarantee for Books Available from Knit Picks

We work hard to make sure that all of our books are offered at the best prices around. If you find another site that offers a lower price, let us know by contacting Customer Service by email or call 080-8234-6084, Monday-Friday from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm Pacific Time, and we will match it, subject to the limitations below.  At this time our Price Match Guarantee for Books only applies to orders shipped within the U.S. and Canada.

Limitations and Exclusions   

Our 100% Price Match Guarantee for Books has some limitations and exclusions:

1.      You must present the competitor’s price at the time of purchase. 
2.      Price Match Guarantee applies only to books currently available from Knit Picks. 
3.      Special promotions such as rebates, gift certificates, and "buy one, get one" offers are not eligible. 
4.      Excludes books advertised as limited time/limited quantity/limited supply, or clearance and close-out. 
5.      Offer excludes membership club or loyalty program prices (e.g. prices that require a club or loyalty card.)
6.      Book must be an unused, identical item, and must be in stock and available for purchase on the competitor's U.S and Canadian website. 
7.      Guarantee applies to websites only, not brick-and-mortar or catalog-only stores. 
8.      The website must not be an auction site
9.      Website must be run by a U.S. or Canadian Corporation. 
10.    Guarantee requires that our staff be able to find the lower priced book on a competitor’s site at the time of purchase from Knit Picks. The Knit Picks price is the price after any rebates or promotional discounts have been applied. 
11.    There is a limit of one guarantee claim per book (multiple claims on the same book will not be eligible). 
12.    Guarantee only applies to book purchases for personal use. Guarantee does not apply to purchases for resale or commercial purposes. 
13.    We reserve the right to deny claims if our policy is being abused.
14.    At this time, our 100% Price Match Guarantee for Books only applies to orders shipped within the U.S and Canada.

100% Low Price Guarantee for Yarn Available from Knit Picks

We work hard to make sure we have the best prices and the best yarn for you to create your beautiful projects. And we stand by our commitment to offer the lowest yarn prices around - if you find a comparable yarn elsewhere, we will honor the lower price plus an additional 10%! Let us know by calling 080-8234-6084 or contact us and we will match it, subject to the limitations below.

Limitations and Exclusions

Our 100% Low Price Guarantee for Yarn has some limitations and exclusions:

1.    The Low Price Guarantee for yarn will only be honored on comparable yarns. This is defined as a yarn that has the same fiber content, origin, construction (ply count, structure) and yardage per gram as the Knit Picks yarn.
2.    You must present the competitor’s price at the time of purchase.
3.    Special promotions such as sales, clearance, rebates, gift certificates, and "buy one, get one" offers are not eligible.
4.    Excludes yarns advertised as limited time/limited quantity/limited supply, or clearance and close-out.
5.    Offer excludes membership club or loyalty program prices (e.g. prices that require a club or loyalty card.)
6.    Yarn must be an unused, identical item, and must be in stock and available for purchase on the competitor's website (US, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia only).
7.    Guarantee applies to websites only, not brick-and-mortar or catalog-only stores.
8.    The website must not be an auction site.
9.    Website must be run by a U.S., Canadian, UK or Australian Corporation.
10.   Guarantee requires that our staff be able to find the lower priced yarn on a competitor’s site at the time of purchase from Knit Picks. The Knit Picks price is the price after any rebates or promotional discounts have been applied.
11.   There is a limit of one guarantee claim per yarn (multiple claims on the same yarn will not be eligible).
12.   Guarantee only applies to yarn purchases for personal use. Guarantee does not apply to purchases for resale or commercial purposes.
13.   We reserve the right to deny claims if our policy is being abused.
14.   At this time, our Low Price Guarantee for yarn only applies to orders shipped within the U.S, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.