How to: The I-Cord Bind Off

This bind off method leaves a clean, corded edging on your knitting. It adds a subtle, decorative air to the piece. Try it on sweater bottoms, purses, or even in felting.

I-Cord Setup


To begin, cast on 3 extra stitches at the beginning of the row you’re going to bind off. You can do this using the Cabled Cast On, Knitted Cast On or Loop Cast On – whichever is most comfortable for you.

I-Cord Step One

Step One

Knit two stitches and slip the third stitch knitwise.

I-Cord Step Two

Step Two

Knit one more stitch. You will now have 4 stitches on your right needle.

I-Cord Step Three

Step Three

Use your left needle tip to pass the slipped stitch over the last knitted stitch. This will leave you with three stitches on your right needle.

I-Cord Step Four

Step Four

Slip these three stitches back onto the left needle tip, purlwise. Tug on the working yarn to tighten up the stitches.

I-Cord Step Six

Repeat Steps One through Four until all stitches have been bound off.

Completed I-Cord Bind Off.

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