The Shawl Section charts 2-5 for the Victorian Fichu were numbered incorrectly. The RS rows have been shifted down. Contact Customer Service for an updated copy of the charts. 

In the Shetland Triangle Shawl, there were a large number of changes in the directions and the Rings Chart. Contact Customer Service for an updated copy of the pattern.

For the Estonian Square Shawl, knitters will need a size 4 needle for the body and a size 7 circular needle for the CO and BO. Additional clarification for rows 41-300 has been added: "Working as established, repeat Chart rows 41-60 a total of 13 times for the center panel, while at the same time working full repeats of the outer motif sts 1-15, rows 41-64." 

The charts for the Orenburg Stole have been significantly revised. Contact Customer Service for an updated copy of the charts.