Revised 10/5/2010

John Pullover
Next Round: (Remove st markers as you come to them): BO 7 sts; *p2, k4; rep from * 17 (18, 19, 20) times; BO 14 sts; *p2, k4; rep from * 17 (18, 19, 20) times; BO last 7 sts: 206 (218, 230, 242) sts remain. Fasten off yarn.

(WS): Dec 10 (12, 15, 16) sts evenly across row: 93 (97, 100, 105) sts remain.

Shape shoulders and back neck
Knit 30 (32, 33, 33) sts; join a new ball of yarn, BO next 33 (33, 34, 39) sts; knit to end of row.

Working both sides at the same time, P 1 row.

BO 4 sts at beg of next 14 rows, then BO remaining 2 (4, 5, 5) sts on each shoulder.

Shape front neck
(RS): Knit 41 (42, 43, 44) sts; joining a new ball of yarn, BO 11 (13, 14, 17) sts, k to end of row.

Next row (RS):
Right Shoulder: K to last three sts, k2tog, k1.
Left Shoulder: K1, ssk, knit to end of row.
Next row (WS): Purl.
Repeat these two rows 11 (10, 10, 11) times.