ELEGANT EDIBLES - 50812/40150

 Revised 4/27/10

Berry Bobble Stitch, p. 10

Round 8: K3, *(K6, turn, P6, turn) 3 times, K6, rep from * to last 9 sts, work bet () once, K9.

Revised 3/22/10

Orange Wedge, p. 8

Chart Row 24: 1st st should be ssk in Daffodil, 2nd st should be k2tog in Daffodil.

Chart Row 26: Should be 1 st instead of 2; K2tog in Cloud.


Kiwi Slice, p. 9

The Central Double Decreases must be worked using the last stitch of the preceding repeat in order to ensure that they line up. Stitch markers may help you follow the chart, but bear in mind that they will need to be removed and replaced to accommodate this.


Revised 3/17/10

Beet bag, page 2, left column:
Begin working from Round 1 of Beet Chart, and continue following chart through round 22. Repeat the chart six times around the bag.